According To Unstop Talent Report 2024, Only 7% Of Indian Colleges Offer 100% Placement

annual Unstop Talent Report 2024

22 March 2024 – According to the annual Unstop Talent Report 2024, seven percent of Indian colleges get complete campus placements. According to a PTI report, it also highlights the difficulties recruiters encounter in identifying the proper personnel due to skill shortages. According to the 2024 Unstop Talent Report, 91% of students believe their college courses have sufficiently prepared them for the workforce. However, due to skill deficiencies and inadequate preparation, 66% of recruiters and 42% of university partners experience substantial hurdles in campus recruitment.

The report’s other conclusions imply that HR professionals should give candidates’ abilities even more weight than their experience, education, references, internships, and projects. The conclusion is based on a comprehensive poll involving more than 11,000 participants from across India, including students, academic partners, and human resource professionals. Additional perspectives on employee goals, the value of mentorship, competitive dynamics, and other relevant issues were also gleaned from talks with HR directors.

The report also showed that three out of five students (60%) choose job stability over pay increases due to the fear of layoffs. For most, in-hand salary continued to be the most important component of pay, with perks and benefits coming in second.


Additionally, it demonstrated that students favor well-known, established companies over startups. Marketing emerged as the most popular topic choice, and finance and analytics continued to be favorites among students majoring in arts and sciences.