To better serve the interests of AI entrepreneurs, CEE has established a new AI chamber

To better serve the interests of AI entrepreneurs, CEE has established a new AI chamber

24th April 2024 –  A new AI Chamber has arisen with the goal of promoting the interests of AI startups throughout Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) in a dynamic move that signals the changing environment of the region’s technology sector. This important breakthrough highlights how artificial intelligence is becoming more and more important in transforming economies and stimulating innovation.

The creation of this chamber acts as a guide for AI entrepreneurs by offering a centralised forum for discussing shared issues, promoting beneficial policies, and encouraging cooperation between members of the thriving CEE startup community. The chamber aims to foster an environment conducive to the emergence of innovative ideas by combining resources and skills to accelerate the development of AI-driven businesses.

By means of advocacy campaigns and knowledge-sharing conferences, the chamber hopes to foster an atmosphere that is favorable to creativity and enterprise, establishing CEE as a centre of excellence for artificial intelligence on a worldwide scale.


As the first AI Chamber takes shape, it represents a shared commitment to utilising artificial intelligence’s revolutionary capacity for the benefit of CEE’s startup ecosystem as a whole, bringing in a new age of opportunity and innovation.
