Startup Stories

New Delhi-based Envoler Innovations is Taking Flight with Drones by collaborating with Delhi Metro, Jindal & more

Envoler Innovations

It is a shocking fact that drones can collect data up to ten times faster than traditional methods. Today, where time is money, using drones can make a significant difference in efficiency and accuracy.

Founded on February 22, 2022, Envoler Innovations by aerospace engineer Abhishek Goyal and entrepreneur Piyush Jain specializes in comprehensive drone-related services. They’re not just flying drones; they’re revolutionizing industries with cutting-edge technology and sustainable solutions.

Meet the Founders: Abhishek and Piyush

Abhishek Goyal and Piyush Jain are the dynamic duo behind Envoler Innovations. Abhishek, an aerospace engineer with a deep love for drones, graduated from the United Kingdom and has years of experience in the drone industry. He’s all about pushing the boundaries of technology to find new, innovative ways to use drones. 

Piyush Jain, on the other hand, is an MBA graduate from the United Kingdom. His entrepreneurial spirit and passion for innovative technology drive the company’s growth and success. Together, they form a powerhouse of expertise and vision.

The Birth of Envoler Innovations

Envoler Innovations

Two years ago, Envoler Innovations was just a dream. Abhishek and Piyush started with no team, no drones—just a shared vision of creating the most reliable and advanced drone services in the industry.

They knew it wouldn’t be easy, but their passion and determination kept them going. Fast forward to today, Envoler Innovations has become a trusted name in the market, collaborating with big names like Delhi Metro, NTPC, JK Cement, and Jindal Steel.

A Business Model That Succeeded

Envoler Innovations

Envoler Innovations operates on both B2B and B2C models, providing drone-based services to a wide range of clients. From geographic data acquisition to industrial inspections and high-end aerial imaging, their services are diverse and highly specialized.

They earn revenue by offering tailored solutions that meet the unique needs of their clients. Their approach is not just about flying drones; it’s about solving real-world problems with precision and efficiency.

Making an Impact: Revenue and Growth

In just two years, Envoler Innovations has achieved remarkable success. With a revenue of 50 lakhs, they’ve shown that their innovative approach works. Their team of 20 professionals and a fleet of seven advanced drones are a testament to their growth and dedication. 

“We focus on three problems that startups usually face: budget constraints, the high cost of traditional methods, and the need for accuracy. Our drone services are designed to be affordable, efficient, and precise,” Abhishek shared in an interview with Karostartup.

A Vision for the Future

The vision of Envoler Innovations is  to pioneer sustainable drone solutions and become the ultimate hub for client success. They are committed to creating a future where innovation and environmental stewardship go hand in hand.

By integrating advanced drone technology with a deep understanding of their clients’ needs, they aim to deliver the highest value and support. Their team of top-notch drone pilots and the latest technology ensure they stay ahead of the curve, providing innovative and reliable services.

Some More Stories

The Heart of the Company: Emotional Success Story

At the core of Envoler Innovations is a story of passion, perseverance, and innovation. Abhishek and Piyush started with a simple idea and turned it into a thriving business. Their journey is a testament to the power of dreams and hard work. “Starting Envoler Innovations was a leap of faith. We faced many challenges, but our belief in the potential of drones kept us going. Today, seeing the positive impact we have on our clients is the most rewarding part of our journey,” said Piyush.

Whether you’re in mining, agriculture, or industrial inspections, their innovative solutions can transform your operations. Ready to elevate your business with cutting-edge drone technology? Reach out to Envoler Innovations today and let’s take flight together!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is Envoler Innovations? 

Envoler Innovations is a drone service company based in New Delhi. They specialize in geographic data acquisition, industrial inspections, and high-end aerial imaging using advanced drone technology.

How does Envoler Innovations generate revenue? 

They earn revenue by providing specialized drone-based services to various industries, including mining, agriculture, and industrial inspections.  They earn revenue by providing specialized drone-based services to various industries, including mining, agriculture, and industrial inspections.

Who founded Envoler Innovations? 

Envoler Innovations was founded by Abhishek Goyal and Piyush Jain on February 22, 2022. Abhishek is an aerospace engineer, and Piyush is an entrepreneur with an MBA from the United Kingdom.

Who are the target clients of Envoler Innovations? 

Their target clients include businesses in mining, agriculture, industrial inspections, and geographic data acquisition sectors looking for advanced and reliable drone services.

What is the vision of Envoler Innovations? 

The vision of Envoler Innovations is to pioneer sustainable drone solutions, becoming the ultimate hub for client success while fostering a healthier planet. They aim to integrate innovation with environmental stewardship.


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