Significant Setback for Startups in Google Billing Case When CCI Denies Temporary Relief

Significant Setback for Startups in Google Billing Case When CCI Denies Temporary Relief

22 March 2024 – The Competition Commission of India (CCI) has denied startups’ requests for temporary relief, which sought to stop Google from charging developers a charge or Commission as part of its revised payments policy. This decision represents a significant blow to the businesses.

The Commission believes that the informants do not satisfy the requirements set out by the Supreme Court in order to be granted temporary relief. The Hindu stated, quoting the CCI judgment, “The informants have not been able to project any higher level of prima facie case warranting a positive direction as sought by the informants at the interim stage.” 

The Indian Broadcasting and Digital Foundation (IBDF), Indian Digital Media Industry Foundation (IDMIF), People Interactive India Private Limited (owner of and, and Mebigo Labs Private Limited (owner of Kuku FM) were the complainants. According to the CCI’s order, they did not meet the requirements for interim relief as set forth by the Supreme Court. 


In petitions filed with the Commission, three different complainants pleaded with the company to stop charging for in-app purchases or paid downloads of programs that provide digital goods or services. Additionally, the informant has not been able to show how the contested conduct will cause irreversible injury that cannot be made up for with money.