I Became Bored: An Indian CEO Leaves A Lucrative Microsoft Position In The US To Start A Farming Firm

Ruchit Garg

13 MARCH, 2024: After working for Microsoft for three years in Hyderabad, Ruchit Garg was transferred to the Redmond headquarters, where he continued to work as a technical program manager for three more years. In 2011, he left the firm to create a startup catering to farmers in his native India. 

When he quit his work, his annual salary was approximately Rs 1 crore. According to the 44-year-old, “I got bored,” Money control was told. “There, I felt like an outsider.” After that, he founded Harvesting, a business that aims to get farmers better prices by eliminating intermediaries and selling fresh farm produce. The company says it has helped over 37 lakh Indian farmers.


In response to a question on his decision to enter the agricultural industry, Garg stated, “My grandfather farmed in an Uttar Pradesh area close to Moradabad. He farmed mangoes. I, therefore, wanted to work in the field of agriculture in a meaningful way. These days, Harvesting increases the revenue for small-holder farmers. Imagine it as Amul of the next generation. We assist farmers with all of their agricultural needs, including advice, seeds, insecticides, and other supplies, and we facilitate the online and offline sale of their produce.”