Empowering Swadeshi Vikretas Since 2020: SevaHUB’s Inspiring Journey to Self-Reliance


In this era of the internet, every single person has social media and access to the internet. And every single business is going online. And why shouldn’t they? Business moves towards the market. But in this race of getting the attention of every single person online to gain fame, local businesses are lagging behind. They don’t really know about online presence and they don’t know how to create trust with the people. 

And Here comes SevaHUB. SevaHUB is on a mission to “Make Swadeshi Vikretas Atma Nirbhar ”. The core idea of the company is to take the power of advertisement/video ads from big corporate houses and high-cost ad platforms to the Desi Vikretas themselves, making them ‘Atma Nirbhar’  enough to take their products and services to Aam Upbhokta.

About The Company

Founded in 2020, SevaHUB’s mission is “To Make Swadeshi Vikretas Atma Nirbhar ”. The company’s main focus is to make sure that the Desi Vikretas can do everything by themselves without having to spend a lot of money. The platform thereby also enables the consumers and buyers to find the right product/service of their choice on the go from their devices at the best prices directly from the sellers.

The reality is that everyone has some uniqueness that can make you stand out. If you create something of your own, it will have your authenticity and energy in it. SevaHUB doesn’t want service providers or sellers to sound robotic. That’s why they have designed their system to help service providers and sellers create their own advertisement in their own words, a unique service with a far deeper reach both in terms of time and place.

Meet The Founder

Ashish Sharma Founder & Director of SevaHUB. Believe it when we say that, “Engineers can do anything.” You can find engineers doing great in every single field. Here the founder and many team members of SevaHUB are engineers. Their goal is to make things better. They have thought about improving the business sector. Their goal is to make the advertising industry better and accessible to everyone.

They’ve taken SevaHUB from zero to where it is right now. They take huge pride in the fact that they are India’s 1st Video based online B2B2C marketplace advertisement platform, connecting buyers with suppliers. It’s a huge step for them in the advertising industry. They deeply believe that the growth of the Indian Economy depends on all Swadesi Vikretas.

The Challenges

In today’s digital world, every user has online access. For user needs, businesses are also finding multiple ways to maximize their reach. They want to reach as many people as possible. With the growing online scope, there are some pitfalls as follows:

  • The absence of any face in the online system raises suspicion and those providing such products and services are also treated like frauds, even if they are providing good stuff.
  • Not much awareness about good products and services through the right way and system.
  • There are many such products and services in the market, which are not accessible to everyone due to lack of marketing or money.
  • Also, not all sellers are able to reach consumers due to high commissions and entry barriers.

With these challenges, local businesses have a lot of problems with online advertising. But SevaHUB is here to solve these problems and help those businesses flourish. 

Company’s Vision

SevaHUB‘s approach is to improve business & personal work. If they showcase their work and their visibility then work will likely increase. Along with this, the personality of the people will develop, and awareness will increase, the biggest benefit of which will be the improvement in the economy of India.

They want to create a wave in India’s digital market through video presentations. They will make a change in the seller’s viewpoint towards their business and will create a passion in their heart. This step will likely increase the standard of local sellers and how they work. 

They are here to build a force of Samarthya (Empowered) Online E-Vikretas(Sellers) making their Video Ads in an Aatmanirbhar (Self-reliant) way. In this process, they are playing a major role as enablers with their SevaHUB to this budding and roaring Bhartiya Arthvyavastha.

Journey so far

SevaHUB has been growing steadily from day one. From 11-Apr-22 till now they have over 62000+ users all over India out of which over 15000+ different types of businesses are listed on their system. Over 1150 businesses have uploaded videos of their business on their platform. 300 users visit their platform every day. More than 50,000 videos have been viewed in the last 2 months.

Some More Stories


SevaHUB has a very big goal which is very needed right now in the Indian market. They are working towards their goals with full force. They are highly focused on bridging the gap for all types of Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), Large Enterprises, Manufacturers’ Services as well as individual businesses. With “Swadeshi hai tou sahi hai” thought in their hearts, they are here to empower all people who want to take their products and services to the masses. 

Frequently Ask Questions (FAQs)

When was SevaHUB founded?

SevaHUB was founded on 29 December 2020.

Where is SevaHUB located? 

SevaHUB is located in Sagar, Madhya Pradesh, India.

What does SevaHUB do?

The core idea of the company is to take the power of advertisement/video ads from big and high-cost ad platforms to the Desi Vikretas themselves, making them ‘Atma Nirbhar’  enough to take their products and services to create their own ads and reach out to their customers through SevaHu

Who’s the founder of SevaHUB?

Ashish Sharma is the Founder & Director of SevaHUB.

How does SevaHUB make revenue?

SevaHUB generates revenue through subscription and advertisements.