Tim Cook’s Diplomatic Response to Apple Manufacturing in Indonesia

Tim Cook's Diplomatic Response to Apple Manufacturing in Indonesia

17 April 2024 — Indonesia’s significance as a market for Apple has prompted discussions about the possibility of Apple manufacturing in the country. Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO, recently made diplomatic comments in response to Indonesia’s interest in having Apple establish manufacturing operations there.

Many countries, including Indonesia, use import tariffs and local content requirements (LCRs) as incentives for foreign companies to invest locally. India’s successful “Made in India” program is a notable example, with Apple establishing manufacturing hubs there to meet local requirements.

In Indonesia, Apple has met the local content requirement of 35% by investing in developer academies, contributing to the local economy. The announcement of a fourth academy in the country demonstrates Apple’s ongoing commitment.

During a meeting with Indonesia’s president, Tim Cook discussed the possibility of manufacturing in the country. While Apple has focused on developer academies, the president expressed interest in Apple establishing manufacturing plants or partnering with Indonesian companies for component manufacturing.

Indonesia’s modernization from an agricultural to an industrialized country has led to increased demand for consumer electronics. This growth, coupled with the government’s initiatives to attract investment, makes Indonesia an attractive prospect for companies like Apple.


Tim Cook’s diplomatic response indicates Apple’s willingness to explore manufacturing opportunities in Indonesia. As discussions progress, Apple’s potential expansion into manufacturing in Indonesia could further strengthen its presence in this important market

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