Startup Stories

Meet Nitisha Jha of Art Gilehri,Transforming Waste into Art in Ghaziabad;Generating 20 Lakh Annually

Art Gilehri

Got any ideas to decor your home with eco-friendly and sustainable products? Take a look here! With the rising demand for unique and sustainable products, Art Gilehri is making a significant mark in this blooming industry. Founded by the creative and passionate Nitisha Jha, Art Gilehri stands out by transforming discarded materials into stunning art pieces, particularly repurposing liquor bottles with stained glass to create quirky home decor. 

Meet Nitisha Jha: The Visionary Behind Art Gilehri

Nitisha Jha, an electrical and electronics engineer with an MSc in Mathematics from BITS Pilani, always had an artistic soul. Growing up in the vibrant city of Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, she was surrounded by a rich cultural heritage that inspired her creativity. Nitisha’s journey from a curious student to the founder of Art Gilehri is a testament to her innovative spirit and dedication to sustainability.

Nitisha’s fascination with transforming discarded materials into art began as a hobby. What started as a personal project soon blossomed into a full-fledged business. Driven by a passion for both sustainability and aesthetics, Nitisha embarked on a mission to repurpose waste into wonder, focusing on upcycling liquor bottles into beautiful, handcrafted home decor items.

Her dual background in engineering and mathematics uniquely positioned her to approach this creative venture with both precision and innovation.

The Birth of Art Gilehri

Founded on December 27, 2017, Art Gilehri began as a humble hobby project. Nitisha’s vision was simple yet profound: to create art from waste and promote sustainable living. The initial days were challenging, as she experimented with various materials and techniques to perfect her craft. Her breakthrough came when she discovered the potential of combining discarded liquor bottles with stained glass, creating unique pieces that were both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

Art Gilehri
Art Gilehri

Art Gilehri quickly gained recognition for its innovative approach to home decor. Nitisha’s dedication to handmade craftsmanship ensured that each product was unique and of high quality.

Her focus on sustainability resonated with environmentally conscious consumers, and the quirky designs added a splash of personalized charm to any home. What started as a small-scale project soon evolved into a recognized brand in the home decor market.

Crafting a Sustainable Business Model

Art Gilehri operates on both B2B and B2C models, making it accessible to a wide range of customers. The business earns revenue through sales of its unique home decor products and by offering craft mentorship programs. This dual approach not only broadens their market reach but also promotes sustainable practices within the community.

In the B2B space, Art Gilehri collaborates with businesses looking for distinctive decor solutions, while in the B2C segment, they cater to individual customers seeking personalized, eco-friendly decor items. This flexibility allows Art Gilehri to adapt to various market needs and ensures a steady revenue stream. The company’s emphasis on customization and personal touch further enhances customer satisfaction, making each purchase a unique experience.

Art Gilehri

Revenue and Growth

From its humble beginnings, Art Gilehri has grown significantly, now generating an annual revenue of 20 lakh INR. This impressive growth is a testament to the quality and uniqueness of their products, as well as the growing demand for sustainable home decor. Nitisha’s innovative approach and commitment to sustainability have been key drivers of this success.

The revenue model is simple yet effective. By focusing on handcrafted, repurposed materials, Art Gilehri keeps production costs low while maintaining high-quality standards. This allows them to offer their products at competitive prices, attracting a diverse customer base. Additionally, the craft mentorship programs not only generate additional revenue but also help spread the message of sustainability, creating a community of like-minded individuals passionate about upcycling and eco-friendly living.

Vision: Transforming Waste into Wonder

Art Gilehri envisions a world where sustainability and art coexist harmoniously. Nitisha’s vision is about more than just creating beautiful decor; it’s about transforming waste into something wonderful. This vision champions environmental responsibility, encouraging a shift from a disposable culture to one that values upcycling and sustainable practices.

By blending traditional stained glass techniques with contemporary designs, Art Gilehri aims to not just decorate spaces but to inspire conversations about eco-conscious living. Nitisha’s dedication to this cause is evident in every piece she creates, each one a testament to the potential of creative reuse. Through Art Gilehri, she hopes to inspire others to see the beauty in discarded materials and to think differently about waste.

Some More Stories

The Emotional Journey of Art Gilehri

The journey of Art Gilehri is deeply emotional and personal. From the initial challenges of starting a business to the joy of seeing her creations bring happiness to others, Nitisha’s story is one of resilience and passion.

Her commitment to sustainability and creativity is reflected in every aspect of the business, from the meticulous crafting of each piece to the personalized customer interactions.

Nitisha’s journey is also about overcoming obstacles and turning challenges into opportunities. The initial struggles of perfecting her craft and finding a market for her products only strengthened her resolve. Today, Art Gilehri is a thriving business, known for its unique and sustainable decor solutions. Nitisha’s story is a powerful reminder that with passion and perseverance, it’s possible to turn a dream into reality.

Whether you’re looking for a unique decor piece or seeking inspiration for sustainable living, Art Gilehri offers something special. Each piece tells a story, reflecting the passion and creativity of its maker.

Are you ready to add a splash of personalized charm to your home with Art Gilehri’s unique decor items? Visit their website today and explore the world of sustainable art!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is Art Gilehri? 

Art Gilehri is a home decor brand that transforms discarded liquor bottles and stained glass into unique, handcrafted decor items, promoting sustainability and creativity.

Who founded Art Gilehri? 

Founded by Nitisha Jha, an engineer and mathematician with a passion for sustainable living and creative reuse.

How does Art Gilehri earn revenue? 

Art Gilehri earns revenue through B2B and B2C sales of its unique home decor products and by offering craft mentorship programs.

Where is Art Gilehri based? 

Art Gilehri is based in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India.

What is the vision of Art Gilehri? 

The vision of Art Gilehri is to transform waste into wonder by creating sustainable, handcrafted decor items that inspire conversations about eco-conscious living.


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