Startup Stories

City One Initiative: Shivansh’s Jaipur-Based Upskilling Powerhouse Transforming Youth Education with Modern Skills

City One Initiative

Did you know that over 85% of today’s jobs require skills that weren’t even needed a decade ago? In this fast-evolving world, the ability to adapt and learn new skills is crucial. This is where City One Initiative steps in, transforming the landscape of youth education in India by focusing on developing contemporary skills.

City One Initiative, founded on 10th September 2016 as City MUN Project and rebranded in June 2021, is an educational organization aimed at bringing change for young minds. Let’s dive into the story of City One Initiative, where education meets innovation, and every student is set on a path to success.

Meet Shivansh: The Visionary Behind City One Initiative

City One Initiative
Shivansh Ahuja

The story of City One Initiative begins with Shivansh, a computer science engineering graduate and management postgraduate from Nottingham University Business School. Growing up in the vibrant city of Jaipur, Rajasthan, Shivansh always had a passion for education and leadership.

His journey is a testament to his determination and vision. After completing his studies, Shivansh realized that the traditional education system was not enough to prepare students for the challenges of the modern world. With a keen interest in public speaking and leadership development, he set out to create a platform that would bridge this gap.

Shivansh’s journey wasn’t a smooth one. He faced numerous challenges and setbacks, but his unwavering belief in the power of education kept him going. He curated over 80 upskilling simulations across the country, impacting thousands of students. His efforts have not only enhanced the skills of students but also given them the confidence to represent themselves on national and international platforms. 

The Birth of City One Initiative

City One Initiative was born out of Shivansh’s desire to make a difference in the education sector. It started as a City MUN Project in 2016, focusing on Model UN simulations. These simulations provided students with a platform to hone their debating, critical thinking, and leadership skills.

The success of these events led to the realization that there was a broader need for such skill development programs. In June 2021, the organization was rebranded as City One Initiative, with a mission to upskill students across various domains.

The organization quickly gained traction, partnering with prestigious institutions like MGD Girls’ School in Jaipur, Maharana Mewar Public School in Udaipur, Prometheus School in Noida, CHRIST University in Bengaluru, and FDDI Kolkata. These collaborations enabled City One Initiative to reach a wider audience and impact more students. Over 25,000 students have benefited from their programs, which include Model UN training, Bal Panchayat, Youth Parliaments, and public speaking and leadership camps.

A Unique Business Model

City One Initiative
City One Initiative

City One Initiative operates on a B2B model, providing upskilling training to students in schools and colleges. The organization’s services range from Model UN simulations and Bal Panchayat to public speaking and leadership camps. This model allows them to work directly with educational institutions, ensuring that their programs are integrated into the students’ learning experience.

What sets City One Initiative apart is their focus on contemporary skills that are essential for the 21st century. They understand that each student is unique and requires a tailored approach to learning. Their programs are designed to be interactive, engaging, and relevant, making learning a fun and enriching experience. By focusing on skills like critical thinking, leadership, and oratory, City One Initiative ensures that students are well-prepared for the future.

Revenue and Impact

City One Initiative generates revenue by offering a range of upskilling training programs to educational institutions. These programs are not just about imparting knowledge but also about creating an environment where students can apply what they learn. This hands-on approach has proven to be highly effective, leading to significant improvements in students’ skills and confidence.

The organization’s impact is evident in the success stories of its participants. Many students have gone on to excel in various fields, thanks to the skills and confidence gained through City One Initiative’s programs. The organization’s ability to generate revenue while making a positive impact on society is a testament to its innovative and sustainable business model. 

Some More Stories

Vision for the Future

City One Initiative’s vision is to upskill over 100,000 students by 2024 through innovative simulations and courses. They aim to bridge the gap in learning 21st-century skills and prepare students for the future. This ambitious goal is driven by their belief in the power of education and their commitment to making a difference.

The organization’s mission is to make upskilling accessible, intuitive, and outcome-driven. They believe that every student deserves the opportunity to develop their skills and achieve their full potential. By focusing on storytelling, data-driven strategies, and creative solutions, City One Initiative is transforming the education landscape. 

City One Initiative, founded by Shivansh, the organization is dedicated to upskilling students and preparing them for the challenges of the modern world. With a unique business model, innovative programs, and a vision to impact over 100,000 students by 2024, City One Initiative is leading the way in contemporary education. Their journey is a testament to the power of passion, resilience, and the belief that every student can achieve greatness.

If you’re looking to transform your educational experience and develop the skills needed for the future, reach out to City One Initiative today and start your journey towards success!

Frequently asked Questions (FAQs)

What is City One Initiative? 

City One Initiative is an educational organization based in Jaipur, Rajasthan, that focuses on developing contemporary skills in students through innovative simulations and training programs.

How does City One Initiative generate revenue? 

The organization generates revenue by offering upskilling training programs to schools and colleges. These programs include Model UN simulations, Bal Panchayat, Youth Parliaments, and public speaking and leadership camps.

Who founded the City One Initiative? 

City One Initiative was founded by Shivansh, a computer science engineering graduate and management postgraduate from Nottingham University Business School, with a passion for education and leadership development.

What sets City One Initiative apart from other educational organizations? 

City One Initiative stands out due to its focus on contemporary skills, interactive and engaging programs, and its ability to tailor learning experiences to the unique needs of each student.

Who are the target users of City One Initiative’s services? 

The target users of City One Initiative’s services are students in schools and colleges who need to develop critical thinking, leadership, oratory, and other 21st-century skills.

What is the vision of the City One Initiative? 

The vision of City One Initiative is to upskill over 100,000 students by 2024 through innovative simulations and courses, bridging the gap in learning 21st-century skills and preparing students for the future.


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