Eleven Charts Showing the Varying Status Of Startup Funding in 2024

Eleven Charts Showing the Varying Status Of Startup Funding in 2024

24th April 2024 – Crunchbase data indicates that in the first quarter of 2024, startup investors held their money close to the vest. However there were some notable outliers, such as the large investments made in robotics, AI, healthcare, and energy firms. Generally, the tone at the beginning of the year was cautious. Let’s take a closer look at 11 infographics that depict the startup landscape in early 2024, based on data from Crunchbase. 

According to Crunchbase statistics, the first quarter of startup funding worldwide was the second-worst since 2018. Despite a decline in total financing in the first quarter, Crunchbase data indicates that investment in early-stage firms increased internationally.

The amount of money at this point was around $29.5 billion, up 6% from the previous year, mostly from sizable Series B investments in artificial intelligence, electric cars, and renewable energy.


Furthermore, seed and angel funding fared better than late-stage investments, raising hopes that a strong class of younger, financed businesses will be available to expand as the recovery moves forward. Venture entrepreneur Marc Andreessen wrote “The Techno-Optimist Manifesto,” a lengthy, passionate, and a little rambling defense of the tech industry, in late 2023.
