
How to Become a LinkedIn Top Voice: 6 Steps Detailed Guide

LinkedIn Top Voice

LinkedIn Top Voice: How to Become a Top Voice on LinkedIn and Earn the Badge


In today’s age of the internet, having your professional voice through channels like LinkedIn is very important. Among the most honored recognitions you can achieve on LinkedIn is the LinkedIn Top Voice badge. But what makes the cut for a LinkedIn Top Voice? In this post, we will explain actionable steps, strategies, and insights to help you find your way to achieving this desirable badge

What is the LinkedIn Top Voice Badge, exactly?

The LinkedIn Top Voice badge is awarded to influencers and thought leaders who continuously engage in meaningful discussions and provide value to their followers through priceless content. This highly coveted badge is given to those individuals actively participating on the platform and who have been recognized by the editorial team at LinkedIn for steadily contributing high-quality posts, comments, and articles that inspire others in their domain.
This is not an application badge, rather something one is awarded based on a combination of visibility, expertise, and involvement in the community. It is from the editorial team that LinkedIn identifies these notable voices by reviewing user activity, measures, and influence their content makes within that particular network or industry.

Why being among the LinkedIn Top Voice matters?

LinkedIn Top Voice

Being a LinkedIn Top Voice generates recognition that may unlock tremendous professional opportunities.

Here is why:

  • Industry Authority: The badge solidifies your position as an expert in your niche, creating a natural draw for followers, business leads, and potential employers.
  • Brand Building: It raises your visibility across LinkedIn, strengthening your personal brand and expanding the reach of your professional network.
  • Credibility: A badge gives your content a genuine badge of authenticity, so others think of coming to you for reliable and thoughtful insights.
  • Networking Opportunities: Being named a Top Voice can connect you with other influential voices, opening up opportunities for collaboration and partnerships.

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How to Become a LinkedIn Top Voice

How to Become a LinkedIn Top Voice

Let’s dive in into the critical steps for becoming a Top Voice on LinkedIn. There isn’t an official guide, but there are certain strategies that can significantly enhance the chances of achieving this great status.

1. Define Your Niche

One of the primary factors that LinkedIn takes into account when selecting its Top Voices is the degree of engagement and influence a person wields over their audience. By honing in on your niche and disseminating content that resonates deeply with your target demographic, you’ll naturally cultivate a community that appreciates your insights. Prioritize attracting quality followers who have a sincere interest in your industry, rather than chasing superficial metrics such as follower count.

Tip: Track what content your audience engages with by using LinkedIn analytics, then plan future posts based on what works best.

2. Consistent, High-Quality Content Creation

To be distinct on LinkedIn, you need to create consistent content that is insightful, actionable, and relevant to the target audience. It is through articles, posts, or videos in which your thoughts are revealed as a leader in the field while offering new insights to industry challenges. Based on this, consider your professional experience and present solutions that you can offer using topics of interest.

Tip: Try to post a minimum of two to three times per week. This is a mix of in-depth articles with shorter pieces. Use the pertinent keywords within the industry and discuss current trends to build engagement.

3. Leverage LinkedIn Articles

Long-form content, like LinkedIn Articles, provides a unique platform to explore topics in depth and demonstrate your thought leadership. In contrast to posts, articles remain on your profile indefinitely, enabling others to stumble upon your insights long after their initial publication. When crafted skillfully, these articles not only become highly shareable but also possess the potential to be highlighted by LinkedIn’s editorial team.

Tip: Write articles with a great intro, in-depth insights, and actionable takeaways. Use case studies or real-life examples to make the points more meaningful.

4. Engage Meaningfully with Others’ Content

To make the cut and become a Top Voice, you need engagement on LinkedIn. That means discussing through thoughtful comments on other people’s posts, and also contributing relevant content from other creators. The value you bring to these conversations holds huge implications for more visibility and credibility in your network.

Tip: don’t just comment with “Great post!” End with some insights or thoughtful questions that might lead to more meaningful discussion.

5. Review Your Performance

Pay attention to the kind of content which is really interacting with your audience. Use LinkedIn’s analytics tools: track engagement rates, impressions, growth in followers, and other kinds of data output to refine your strategy iteratively and hone your content.

6. Stay Active on LinkedIn News and Events

Yet another avenue for relevance is through your understanding of current and breaking news in your industry. Having a say on breaking news, emerging policies, or market trends will make you a known thought leader and one who stays current. Additionally, LinkedIn hosts several events, webinars, and virtual conferences with whom you can be linked and noticed.

Tip: Use trending hashtags whenever possible, or become part of the trend by joining the conversations on trending topics.

How LinkedIn Chooses Top Voices

The editorial team from LinkedIn considers the following aspects while selecting Top Voices:

  • Content Quality: Posts and articles should have significant value, providing fresh new insights or expert opinions instead of just superficial commentary.
  • Engagement: High engagement rates, be it likes, comments, or shares, speak for the fact that your post has really connected with a larger audience.
  • Consistency: It must be posted regularly. Random posts will garner more low or no attention from the LinkedIn’s editors.
  • Impact in the Industry: Your content should not only be appealing and engaging for your followers but also help drive meaningful discussions or influence trends in your industry.

The Importance of Personal Brand Building on LinkedIn

To get the Top Voice badge, one first needs to develop a personal brand. That brand is how other people view you based on your activities, expertise, and how you communicate with them. All forms of interactions on LinkedIn-from the engagement other people have with you to the kind of content users are creating-mirrors one’s personal brand. A consistent, solid brand will differentiate you from your peers, making you more recognizable for LinkedIn’s editorial team.

Tip: Tell a story from your content about what your expertise is, your mission, and your values.

Common Misconceptions about LinkedIn Top Voice

Many myths surround the Top Voice badge. One of the most popular myths is that it is something given to people with multiple follower counts. In reality, however, LinkedIn considers engagement quality more important than quantity. The next fallacy is that one gets this badge only if one belongs to certain industries.

In fact, LinkedIn recognizes thought leaders from multiple fields, including technology, education, marketing, and many others.


How to Become a LinkedIn Top Voice – it takes not only dedication and consistency but actually profound commitment to delivering value to the audience. Helping to focus your time on devising insightful content, engaging deeply with your network, and working on your personal brand could significantly amplify your chances of being named a Top Voice. It is more than just a recognition; it is proof of your authority and influence in your professional community.


What is a LinkedIn Top Voice?

A LinkedIn Top Voice is a recognized authority on the platform, awarded to users who create impactful content and engage their audience effectively.

How can I apply for the LinkedIn Top Voice badge?

There is no formal application process. Instead, focus on creating high-quality content and engaging with your network consistently.

How can I measure my success on LinkedIn?

Use LinkedIn’s analytics tools to track engagement rates, impressions, and follower growth. Adjust your strategy based on this data.

What are the main benefits of becoming a LinkedIn Top Voice?

Becoming a LinkedIn Top Voice enhances your visibility, establishes your authority in your industry, increases networking opportunities, and can lead to career advancements such as job offers and speaking engagements.

How does the Top Voice badge impact my personal brand?

The badge serves as a mark of credibility and expertise, helping to strengthen your personal brand and making you more appealing to potential employers, clients, and collaborators.

Can anyone become a LinkedIn Top Voice?

Yes, anyone can strive to become a LinkedIn Top Voice by consistently sharing valuable content, engaging with their audience, and establishing themselves as a thought leader in their niche.


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