
Nuvkriti Startup Story, Paradise Of Sustainable And Eco-Friendly Products


We have been enslaved by an unsustainable lifestyle where people are dependent on chemicals and harmful substances. It negatively impacts the planet, both from the inside and the outside.

Currently, the world is surrounded by issues like climate change, pollution, and soil degradation on one hand and obesity, diabetes, skin and hair problems, and malnutrition on the other. It is where Nuvkriti comes in with a promise of developing a clean, sustainable and mindful lifestyle for everyone. In this article, we will learn more about this platform in detail.

Everything about Nuvkriti

Nuvkriti, based in Kolkata, was founded in September 2022. It is an online marketplace offering natural, organic and eco-friendly products across categories like personal care, home care, health and wellness, fashion and handicrafts. Nuvkriti derives from ‘Nuv’, which means new and also comes from Nuvoshakti, its parent company.

‘Kriti’ comes from Prakriti, a Hindi word for nature. Hence, Nuvkriti stands for giving a new meaning or redefining nature and natural offerings.

The company aims to build a platform for people concerned towards themselves and the planet. There is no other e-commerce company contributing to a community of sustainable living.

Meet the Founder of Nuvkriti

Yash Bajaj is the brain behind this innovation. He did his MBA in Mumbai. Before that, he spent his childhood in Kolkata and has been back to his hometown since Covid hit in March 2020.

Until June 2019, he did not pay attention to health and personal care, which changed course once he was in Mumbai. Parallelly, he has always been excited about giving back to society in any way possible- donating to social causes frequently, and being part of blood, blanket and book donations.

Since 2020, he has found a new interest in serving the indigenous cows and that’s primarily where Yash drew the inspiration of doing something on a bigger scale to give back to the society.

What bigger scale than combining the power forces of e-commerce and catching a wave of clean lifestyle adoption? In 2022, after gaining experience in certain startups and Maharatna company, launched Nuvkriti, a sustainable marketplace listing all natural and eco-friendly brands.

Yash Bajaj Founder of Nuvkriti

Futuristic Goals

The company envisions a world where people live clean lives while being mindful about the planet. Nuvkriti aspires to work towards delivering a good day (cleaner present) with the promise of a better tomorrow (sustainable future).

To make this vision a reality, it has a creative team committed to creating a better future for upcoming generations. They put extra effort into making their sustainable products available to a large audience.

Business Model

Nuvkriti is a bootstrapped business, which means they have utilised their resources to meet the finances instead of reaching out to the investors. In addition, it adopts a B2C model to offer its high-quality products to customers. The enterprise makes revenue through commission on sales for brands on the platform.

Offering Chemical-free Products

Due to commercialization, people are exposed to products having artificial or chemically generated ingredients which carry harmful effects over a long period. Also, most of the products dumped into landfills don’t biodegrade.

Through Nuvkriti, they are trying to build a community to provide the people with cleaner alternatives to food, personal care, well-being and other products while educating them on these areas. They are trying to build sustainable, clean and mindful living.

Remarkable Journey So Far

Nuvkriti has completed just one year. Still, their short journey has been about of immense learning, explorations, success and failure. They have successfully onboarded 60+ brands. Their customers are from different places, hailing Jammu to Kerala, Rajasthan to Meghalaya; they all come from diverse cultures.

The team has been managing the entire thing on its own to get a hold of every department. The next leg of their journey is to focus on getting like-minded and passionate people on board to scale the world of sustainable living.

Some More Stories

Summing Up

Nuvkriti has been a great initiative in promoting a sustainable future. It is a platform offering organic and sustainable products to customers through B2C channels.

It provides various categories like personal care, homecare, health, wellness, fashion and handicrafts. Its vision to create a sustainable country makes it different from other competitors in the industry. So let’s all join together to build a waste-free and sustainable society ahead!

Frequently Ask Questions (FAQs)

Q1. What is Nuvkriti?

Nuvkriti is a brand aiming at replacing artificial and chemical products with organic and eco-friendly goods.

Q2. What type of business model is adopted by the company?

Nuvkriti adopts a B2C model for offering its products to the people of the country.

Q3. Who is the founder of Nuvkriti?

Yash Bajaj, from Kerala, is the founder of Nuvkriti.


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