Startup Stories

StartingPoint, Solving the challenge of disconnected software


Ever found yourself lost in the maze of professional services, longing for a streamlined solution? Ray McKenzie, the captain steering the ship of StartingPoint Technologies, knows that feeling all too well.

Founded on January 1, 2020, and unveiled to the world in 2022, StartingPoint is not just a company; it’s a manifestation of a visionary’s quest to simplify workflows and enhance service delivery.

Charting the Journey

Ray McKenzie, the brain behind StartingPoint and also the Founder and CEO, brings over two decades of experience as a senior business executive and consultant. His journey, marked by leadership roles in global organizations like Verisign, Neustar, and State Farm Insurance, led him to a realization.

There was a need for a software solution to assist consulting firms in service delivery, customer experience, and seamless collaboration.

Thus, the seed for StartingPoint was planted.Launched in Redondo Beach, California, StartingPoint swiftly garnered attention with its Workflow Management and Customer Operations platform.

The company, now a team of 10, envisions becoming the go-to platform for enterprise and middle-market professional services firms across diverse sectors like consulting, healthcare, financial services, education, and logistic

Revenue Streams and Vision Beyond Profit

StartingPoint’s revenue, currently at $500K ARR, flows from its B2B model. The vision, as Ray passionately puts it, is to be the leading workflow management and customer operations platform.

The aim is to simplify workflows and create efficiencies within firms using technology and artificial intelligence (AI). The platform’s focus is on providing an easy way to streamline workflow processes, promoting efficiency through cutting-edge technology.

Solving the Connectivity Problem

The heart of StartingPoint’s mission is solving the challenge of disconnected software in the professional services landscape. In a world cluttered with disparate systems, difficult management interfaces, and multiple subscriptions, StartingPoint simplifies it all with an all-in-one workflow platform. It brings transparency between teams, executives, and customers, enabling seamless collaboration.

From Idea to Reality

The genesis of StartingPoint emerged from the needs of Red Beach Advisors, Ray’s consulting firm. Faced with the necessity for a software solution that offered clients visibility into ongoing projects, progress measurement, and streamlined communication, Ray took matters into his own hands.

The journey wasn’t a stroll in the park; it involved building a beta version, weathering critiques from over 150 users, and overcoming doubts. The startup life proved challenging, but the team persisted.

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Current Stage and Future Growth

Launched in January 2022, StartingPoint has been on a trajectory of continuous growth. Collecting feedback from prospects, customers, and industry experts, the platform has evolved organically.

The process has been exciting, fun, and, undoubtedly, challenging. As StartingPoint stands at a strong growth stage, it exemplifies the spirit of innovation, adaptability, and the rewards of overcoming entrepreneurial hurdles.

Embark on the tech journey with StartingPoint, where every challenge becomes a stepping stone, and the journey is as rewarding as the destination. Visit their website to explore the future of streamlined workflows and customer-centric operations.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

Q1. How does StartingPoint generate revenue?

StartingPoint generates revenue through its Software as a Service (SaaS) platform, which is available for annual subscription by customers.

Q2. What sets StartingPoint apart in the professional services realm?

StartingPoint stands out by offering an all-in-one workflow platform designed to simplify service delivery for professional services firms. It addresses the challenges of disconnected software, providing transparency and efficiency.

Q3. Can StartingPoint cater to different industries?

Yes, StartingPoint is designed to cater to a variety of industries, including consulting, healthcare, financial services, education, and logistics.


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