Sustainable Innovations: Mangaluru Startup XPozz India Transforms Coconut Shells into Green Energy Pellets


Mangaluru, February 4, 2024 – In response to the growing challenge of managing tender coconut shell waste in Mangaluru, XPozz India, a pioneering startup in Ullal, is gearing up to revolutionize waste management. CEO Pranali M Gupta shared with TOI that the startup has submitted a proposal to the Mangaluru City Corporation (MCC) for approval to initiate the collection of tender coconut shells and agricultural residues, which will be ingeniously converted into pellets for co-firing.

The News:

XPozz India’s proposal revolves around converting tender coconut shell waste into Refuse-Derived Fuel (RDF) and sustainable green energy co-fireable pellets. The startup envisions a comprehensive plan to procure agro-residue wastes from commercial establishments, including tender coconut shells and toddy palm shells. These collected materials will then be transported to the MCC waste management unit at Pachanady.

Upon reaching the waste management unit, XPozz India plans to utilize a mechanical drying system to reduce moisture content. The subsequent steps involve crushing the material, removing dust particles, and entering the pelletization unit. Here, an 8mm pellet with a 2-inch diameter will be produced, serving as an alternative fuel for co-firing in industries utilizing boilers.

XPozz India’s proposal outlines a long-term contract exceeding 10 years with the MCC. The startup emphasizes the need for adequate space, power, water supply, and a decided tipping fee. Taking responsibility for all infrastructure and handling facilities, XPozz India aims to independently trade its products and byproducts in domestic and international markets.

Pranali M Gupta underscores the startup’s mission to convert waste into wealth and generate green sustainable energy. The innovative approach not only addresses waste management challenges but also contributes to earning green carbon credits, fostering an eco-friendly and economically viable solution.

Municipal Response and Future Steps

Mayor Sudheer Shetty Kannur confirmed the discussion of XPozz India’s proposal in a recent council meeting. The decision was made to seek a report from the standing committee on health, indicating a positive step towards implementing this groundbreaking waste-to-energy initiative.