
Epic Games Faces €1.1 Million Fine for Targeting Kids in Fortnite Ads

epic games

In a recent development, the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has fined Epic Games, the creator of the popular game Fortnite, a hefty sum of €1.1 million. The violation? Using unfair commercial practices aimed at children within the game.


  • Pressure Tactics: ACM found that Epic Games pressured vulnerable children to make in-game purchases through targeted ads. These ads directly encouraged kids with phrases like “buy now” or “get it now.”
  • Misleading Countdown Timers: The game’s Item Shop featured countdown timers that misled children. Even after the timer reached zero, the item was often still available at the same price.
  • Exploiting Vulnerabilities: ACM labeled these tactics as “dark patterns” that exploit children’s vulnerabilities. Instead of protecting young players, Epic Games took advantage of their susceptibility.
  • Legal Consequences: The fine of €1.1 million reflects the severity of the violation. ACM aims to ensure that children can play online games without undue pressure.
  • Deadline for Improvements: Epic Games has until June 10 to rectify these unfair practices. Proposed improvements will be closely monitored by the regulator.

In summary, Epic Games faces consequences for its aggressive advertising practices, emphasizing the need for responsible gaming experiences. 🎮


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