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Skill Up Squad: Anukriti Prasad is Transforming Communication & AI Skills for the Future Job Marke

Skill Up Squad

In an age where technology is evolving at lightning speed, it’s crucial to keep up in trend with the updated skills. Skill Up Squad – the ed-tech startup on a mission to bridge the gap between students and the AI-dominated job market. With a remarkable journey that began in January 2024, Skill Up Squad is making waves in the education sector, transforming lives and careers.

A Visionary Leader: Meet Anukriti Prasad

Anukriti Prasad, the powerhouse behind Skill Up Squad, hails from a background that’s as inspiring as it is unique. Born to separated parents, she faced societal judgments head-on. Tennis became her sanctuary, and her unwavering support for her brother, a national champion, exemplified her determination. Anukriti’s journey from a tennis prodigy to an education visionary is a testament to resilience and passion.

Anukriti’s story is one of silent triumphs and fierce resolve. “Life is so unexpected,” she shared in an interview with Karostartup. “I channelled my dreams into my brother’s success, and today, I’m empowering students to achieve their own.” Her brother’s rise to become a Davis Cup hero and a successful engineer in the US stands as a testament to her sacrifices and unyielding support.

From Passion to Purpose: The Birth of Skill Up Squad

Skill Up Squad was born from Anukriti’s desire to equip students with the skills needed to thrive in a rapidly changing job market. Founded in January 2024, the company focuses on enhancing students’ communication skills and their ability to interact with AI tools. With 14 years of experience in the education sector, Anukriti, an ITF coach, NLP coach, and IB curriculum developer, has created a platform that’s transforming the way students approach their careers.
Skill Up Squad offers a unique blend of webinars and online courses that focus on future-proofing students’ careers. In just three months, the company has impacted the lives of 3,000 students through collaborations with colleges such as KMC, Aurobindo College, JCERC, and Venkateshwara College.

Empowering the Future: The Business Model

Skill Up Squad operates on a dual business model, serving both direct-to-consumer (D2C) and business-to-business (B2B) markets. They earn revenue through online webinars, offering affordable and flexible learning solutions. This model ensures that students and educational institutions can access high-quality training without breaking the bank.

The company’s success is evident in its impressive revenue generation, ranging from 800,000 to 1,700,000 INR per month. This financial growth underscores the demand for their innovative approach to education and the effectiveness of their training programs.

Vision 2025: Shaping the Future Job Market

Skill Up Squad

By 2025, Skill Up Squad envisions itself as the leading force in equipping students with the communication and AI skills necessary to thrive in the job market. Their goal is to be the go-to resource for students seeking to develop effective communication skills for interacting with AI tools, not just for interview success but also for seamless workplace collaboration.

The company aims to see a significant increase in student success rates in the job market, empowering them to land their dream jobs and excel in their careers. They plan to stay ahead of emerging AI trends, continuously adapting their curriculum to ensure students are future-proofed. With a vision of global reach, Skill Up Squad aspires to become a recognized leader in AI communication best practices.

Transforming Lives: The Journey So Far

The impact of Skill Up Squad is undeniable. In just three months, they have transformed the lives of 3,000 students, helping them navigate the competitive job market with confidence. Their collaborations with colleges and schools highlight their commitment to making a difference in education.

Anukriti’s journey from a tennis player to a visionary leader in education is a story of perseverance and dedication. Her ability to channel her challenges into empowering others is what makes Skill Up Squad a beacon of hope for students everywhere.

Some More Stories

More Than Just Education: A Personal Touch

“We focus on three main problems that startup brands face with their marketing budget.Our goal is to provide easy and affordable digital marketing expertise for startups, ensuring they have the skills they need to succeed.”Anukriti explained to Karostartup.

This personal touch is what sets Skill Up Squad apart. By addressing the unique challenges faced by each student, they ensure that everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

In a world where the job market is constantly evolving, Skill Up Squad is your partner in staying ahead. Whether you’re a student looking to enhance your communication skills or an institution seeking to provide top-notch training, Skill Up Squad has the tools and expertise you need. Ready to transform your future? Reach out to Skill Up Squad today and embark on a journey to success!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What does the startup specialize in?

Skill Up Squad focuses on enhancing students’ communication skills and their ability to interact effectively with AI tools, preparing them for success in the job market.

How does Skill Up Squad make money?

The company generates revenue through online webinars, offering flexible and affordable learning solutions tailored for students and educational institutions.

Who founded Skill Up Squad and when?

Skill Up Squad was founded by Anukriti Prasad in January 2024. Anukriti brings a wealth of experience in education, tennis coaching, NLP coaching, and IB curriculum development.

What sets Skill Up Squad apart from other ed-tech companies?

Skill Up Squad stands out for its specialized focus on communication skills and AI interaction. It offers personalized webinars and courses designed to equip students with future-ready skills for the job market.

Who are the target users of Skill Up Squad’s services?

Skill Up Squad caters primarily to students and educational institutions looking to enhance their communication skills and proficiency in interacting with AI technologies.

What is Skill Up Squad’s vision for the future?

By 2025, Skill Up Squad aims to become a leader in empowering students with advanced communication and AI skills, ensuring they are well-prepared to excel in their careers.


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