Startup Stories

Digital Marketing for Fashion and Tech: Prachi Saini and Sourav Sethy’s Willow Wrap Delivers Custom Strategies from Delhi

Willow Wrap

In the bustling world of e-commerce and digital brands, your online presence can be the defining factor between success and anonymity. Willow Wrap, a dynamic digital marketing agency from Delhi is ready to transform your brand’s digital journey with their bespoke strategies.

If you want your brand not only to stand out but also to captivate and convert with every click. Willow Wrap specializes in this magic, crafting unique digital experiences for brands, particularly in the fashion and tech sectors. Let’s dive into their fascinating story, where every campaign is a blend of heartfelt creativity and cutting-edge technology!

Meet the Founders: Prachi Saini and Sourav Sethy

Born in the historical city of Delhi, Prachi Saini always had a flair for business and creativity. After graduating in Business Economics from Delhi University, she dived into the digital marketing world, accumulating over three years of hands-on experience. From influencer marketing to social media strategy, Prachi’s journey is proof of rigorous learning and passion.

Sourav Sethy, an adventurous soul from Odisha, pursued his MBA from Ravenshaw University and IIM Kozhikode. His career kicked off at Uber Technologies as an Operations Executive. With a love for adventure sports and the stock market, Sourav’s drive for exploration is evident both in his personal and professional life. 

Don’t be afraid of mistakes. One who never made a mistake has never tried anything new,” he often says, embodying his approach to both life and business”, said the entrepreneur. 

The Birth of Willow Wrap

Willow Wrap started on December 25, 2023 as a side hustle that quickly transformed into a full-time passion. Prachi and Sourav left their jobs to dedicate themselves entirely to this venture. Their complementary skills—Prachi in marketing and Sourav in operations and finance—laid a strong foundation for the company.

Initially, finding clients and building a team was a struggle. With no money to hire a full-fledged team, they turned to colleges, recruiting interns eager to learn and grow. Despite facing numerous rejections and setbacks, their perseverance paid off. By February 2024, they secured their first paying client, marking the beginning of a new chapter for Willow Wrap.

A Business Model That Understands Startups

Willow Wrap
Willow Wrap

Operating on a B2B model, Willow Wrap understands the financial constraints of startups and offers flexible, customized marketing strategies that cater to tight budgets. Their focus is on building long-term relationships rather than just selling services.

Generating a monthly revenue of 3 lakhs INR, they craft compelling narratives that resonate deeply with audiences, ensuring optimal ROI for their clients.

Vision and Mission: Crafting Digital Success Stories

Willow Wrap’s vision is to be the guiding star in digital marketing for fashion and tech startups. They are dedicated to creating lasting impressions and helping brands carve out their unique space with precision and creativity.

“Our mission is to demystify digital marketing for startups, making it accessible, intuitive, and results-driven”, told Karostartup.

 “When we start working on your brand, we work with utmost dedication as if it is our own,” says Prachi, emphasizing their commitment to client success.

Beyond Marketing: The Human Touch

Every campaign at Willow Wrap is a perfect blend of creativity and analytics, rooted in a deep understanding of each brand’s story. Their methodology is unique—tailored, passionate, and forward-thinking. They don’t just respond to market changes; they anticipate them, positioning Willow Wrap as the go-to partner for brands aiming to make a significant impact.

From refining brand identities to creating campaigns that deeply resonate with target audiences, Willow Wrap is about crafting immersive experiences, not just exposure. They are the architects of digital stories, turning challenges into opportunities for excellence.

Some More Stories

A Bright Future Ahead

Today, Willow Wrap proudly works with over 50 brands, delivering exceptional results through their dedicated team. “Our interns are the backbone of our operations. Seeing their dedication and hard work reminds us of why we started this journey,” Sourav shares in an interview with Karostartup. The agency continues to grow, onboard new talent, and innovate, staying true to their vision of revolutionizing the digital marketing landscape.

Whether you’re an emerging fashion label or a tech startup poised to disrupt the market, Willow Wrap is your partner in crafting a digital presence that’s both authentic and impactful. Ready to embark on your journey to digital success? Reach out to Willow Wrap today and let’s create some digital magic together!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is Willow Wrap?   

Willow Wrap is a digital marketing agency based in Delhi, specializing in influencer marketing, videography, advertising, performance marketing, and social media marketing. They focus on helping fashion and tech startups grow their digital presence.

How does Willow Wrap generate revenue?   

They generate revenue through offering a range of digital marketing services to their clients, including strategic influencer partnerships, video content creation, and performance marketing.

Who founded Willow Wrap?   

Willow Wrap was founded by Prachi Saini and Sourav Sethy. Prachi has over three years of experience in digital marketing, while Sourav is an MBA professional with experience in operations and a passion for adventure sports and the stock market.

What sets Willow Wrap apart from other digital marketing agencies?   

Willow Wrap stands out due to their focus on startups, offering flexible, customized marketing strategies that cater to tight budgets. Their unique approach blends creativity and data-driven strategies to ensure optimal ROI.

Who are the target users of Willow Wrap?   

The target users of Willow Wrap’s services are fashion and tech startups looking for effective and affordable digital marketing solutions to enhance their business growth.


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