Startup Stories

Nagendra Kumar’s Insight Assess is Developing Schools; In 1,24,000 schools in just three years

Insight Assess

More than just another business venture, Insight Assess is a narrative of empowerment.Born on the sunny morning of April 4, 2024, this is more than just another startup story. It’s a narrative of enabling dreams for numerous students and the magic of turning aspirations into achievable realities.

The Dreamers Who Dared

Nagendra Kumar

Our story begins with a visionary named Nagendra Kumar, an alumnus of IIT Delhi. Nagendra’s journey through the Indian startup scene, including stints at GoMechanic and Delhivery 1K, was filled with lessons, challenges, and the discovery of a groundbreaking idea. Alongside a colleague from his past adventures, Nagendra embarked on a mission named Insight Assess, aiming to revolutionize personal development in schools.

A Rocky Start to a Grand Vision

Like all great stories, Insight Assess began its journey facing several challenges. Convincing schools to collaborate, perfecting their business approach, and assembling a dedicated team with limited resources were just the first hurdles they encountered.

Despite these obstacles, the founders of Insight Assess were determined to fight through. They set an ambitious goal for themselves by which they established their presence in 124,000 urban schools across India within just three years.

A New Chapter in Education

What sets Insight Assess apart in the busy world of educational startups? It’s their special business-to-business model, where they work directly with schools through a subscription service.

Insight Assess stands out not just because of the services it offers but because it inspires. The company connects students with real-life role models and involves them in fun, interactive learning activities sparking ambition and excitement about learning in young minds.

The Magic of Role Models

Remember when you were little, and you had that one superhero, scientist, or artist you wanted to be like? That’s the kind of inspiration Insight Assess brings into the classroom. Their role model program isn’t about telling tales; it’s about showing students that their dreams aren’t just fantasy—they’re possible futures.


In a sea of educational tools and resources, Insight Assess shines like a lighthouse. Their anchor, the role model program, is something no one else offers. It’s what makes them not just another company, but a pioneer in personal development within the education sector.

Some More Stories

Dreaming Big for the Future

Insight Assess isn’t just aiming for numbers or geographical reach; they’re aiming to change the culture of education in urban India. They envision a future where every school incorporates personal development into their curriculum, making dreamers out of students and achievers out of dreamers.

In wrapping up this tale, Insight Assess is a narrative that goes beyond profit and loss, touching the lives of students and lighting up their paths toward realizing their dreams. Join us in cheering on Insight Assess as they continue to make the world a bit brighter, one student at a time.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What’s Insight Assess?  

Think of Insight Assess as a team of dream weavers for students. They work with schools to help kids see that their big dreams can become real plans for the future.

How does Insight Assess keep the lights on?  

They partner up with schools on a subscription basis. It’s like Netflix, but instead of movies, schools get a package of dreams and inspiration for their students.

Who started this whole thing?  

Nagendra Kumar, a genius from IIT Delhi, and his colleague, both of whom had been around the startup block a few times, decided it was time to make a real difference.

Why’s Insight Assess so special?  

They’ve got something no one else does: a role model program that brings real-life heroes into classrooms, showing kids that they can be heroes too.

Who benefits from Insight Assess’s services?  

School directors are the ones who sign up, but it’s the students who really get the gold. They’re the ones meeting the role models and getting inspired every day.

How’s Insight Assess different from other educational tools?  

Their secret sauce is the role model program. While others teach math and science, Insight Assess teaches kids how to dream big and then chase those dreams.


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